
All parameters are implemented as class properties (managed attributes). They are parsed when setting, so usually several input formats are accepted, e.g. bool, int, float, str for scalars and additionally list, tuple, ndarray for arrays.

Note that some attributes have subdependencies (cf. Fig. 4), hence dependent attributes might change as well. Circular dependencies are resolved automatically.


Fig. 4 Parameters and their Interdependencies.

Video Shape

shape is the standardized shape (T, Y, X, C) of the fringe pattern sequence, with

  • T: number of frames

  • Y: height (in pixel units)

  • X: width (in pixel units)

  • C: number of color channels

L is the maximum of X and Y and denotes the length (in pixel units) to be ancoded. It can be extended by the factor alpha.

C depends on the coloring and multiplexing schemes activated.

size is the product of shape.

Coordinate System

The following coordinate systems can be used by setting grid to:

  • image: The top left corner pixel of the grid is the origin (0, 0) and positive directions are right- resp. downwards.

  • Cartesian: The center of grid is the origin (0, 0) and positive directions are right- resp. upwards.

  • polar: The center of grid is the origin (0, 0) and positive directions are clockwise resp. outwards.

  • log-polar: The center of grid is the origin (0, 0) and positive directions are clockwise resp. outwards.

indexing denotes the indexing convention. Possible values are:

  • xy: Cartesian indexing (defaut) will index the row first.

  • ij: Matrix indexing will index the colum first.

D denotes the number of directions to be encoded.

axis is used to define along which axis of the coordinate system (index 0 or 1) the fringe pattern is shifted if D = 1.

angle can be used to tilt the coordinate system. The origin remains the same.


Each set consists of the following attributes (cf. black box in Fig. 4):

  • N: number of shifts

  • l: wavelength (in pixel units)

  • v: spatial frequency, i.e. number of periods (per screen length L)

  • f: temporal frequency, i.e. number of periods to shift over

Each is an array with shape (number of directions D, number of sets K). For example, if N.shape = (2, 3), it means that we encode D = 2 directions with K = 3 sets each. Changing D or K directly, changes the shape of all set attributes. When setting a set attribute with a new shape (D', K'), D and K are updated as well as the shape of the other set attributes.

If a set attribute is 1D, then it is stacked to match the number of directions D.

If a set attribute is 0D i.e. a scalar, then all values are simply replaced by the new one.

l and v are related by l = L / v. When L changes, v is kept constant and only l is changed.

Usually f = 1 and is essentially only changed if frequency division multiplexing FDM is activated.

reverse is a boolean which reverses the direction of the shifts (by multiplying f with -1).

o denotes the phase offset, which can be used to e.g. let the fringe patterns start (at the origin) with a gray value of zero.

Intensity Values

dtype denotes the data type of the fringe pattern sequence. Possible values are:

  • uint8 (default)

  • uint16

  • float32

  • float64

nbytes is the total bytes consumed by fringe pattern sequence.

q is the quantization step size and equals \(2^r\) for r-bit unsigned integers and for float its corresponding resolution.

Imax is the maximum gray value and equals 1 for float and \(2^r - 1\) for unsigned integers with r bits.

A is the offset, also called brightness (of the background). It is limited by Imax.

B is the amplitude of the cosinusoidal fringes. It is limited by Imax.

V is the fringe visibility (also called fringe contrast). V = A / B, where V and is within the range [0, 1].

beta is the exposure (relative brightness) and is within the range [0, 1].

gamma denotes the gamma correction factor and can be used to compensate nonlinearities of the display response curve.

Coloring and Averaging

The fringe patterns can be colorized by setting the hue h to any RGB color triple within the interval [0, 255]. However, black (0, 0, 0) is not allowed. h must be in shape (H, 3):

H is the number of hues and can be set directly; 3 is the length of the RGB color triple.

The hues h can also be set by assigning any combination of the following characters as a string:

  • 'r': red

  • 'g': green

  • 'b': blue

  • 'c': cyan

  • 'm': magenta

  • 'y': yellow

  • 'w': white

C is the number of color channels required for either the set of hues h or wavelength division multiplexing. For example, if all hues are monochromatic, i.e. the RGB values are identical for each hue, C equals 1, else 3.

Repeating hues will be fused by averaging them before decoding.

M is the number of averaged intensity samples and can be set directly.


The following multiplexing methods can be activated by setting them to True:

  • SDM: Spatial Division Multiplexing

    This results in crossed fringe patterns. It can only be activated if we have two directions D = 2. The number of frames T is reduced by a factor of 2.

  • WDM: Wavelength Divison Multiplexing

    The shifts are multiplexed into the color channel, resulting in an RGB fringe pattern. All shifts N must equal 3. The number of frames T is reduced by a factor of 3.

  • FDM: Frequency Division Multiplexing

    Here, the directions D and the sets K are multiplexed. This results in crossed fringe patterns if D = 2. It can only be activated if D > 1 or K > 1. If one wants a static pattern, i.e. one that remains congruent when shifted, set static to True.

SDM and WDM can be used together (reducing T by a factor of 2 * 3 = 6), FDM with neighter.

TDM: By default, the aforementioned multiplexing methods are deactivated, so we then only have Time Divison Multiplexing.

For more details, please refer to Multiplex.


uwr denotes the phase unwrapping method and is eihter 'none', 'temporal', 'spatial' or 'FTM'. See unwrapping for more details.

Vmin denotes the minimal fringe visibility for the measurement to be balid and is in the interval [0, 1]. During decoding, pixels with less are discarded, which can speed up the computation.

umax denotes the maximal uncertainty required for the measurement to be valid and is in the interval [0, \(L\)]. During decoding, pixels with less are discarded, which can speed up the computation.

verbose can be set to True to also receive from decoding the wrapped phase maps \(\varphi_i\), the fringe orders \(k_i\), the residuals \(r\), the uncertainty \(u\), the visibility \(V\) and the exposure \(\beta\).

FTM denotes Fourier-transform method and is deployed if T = 1 and the coordinate system is eighter 'image' or 'Cartesian'.

Quality Metrics

UMR denotes the unambiguous measurement range. The coding is only unique within the interval [0, UMR); after that it repeats itself.

The UMR is derived from l and v:

  • If l \(\in \mathbb{N}\), UMR = \(lcm(\) l \()\), with \(lcm\) being the least common multiple.

  • Else, if v \(\in \mathbb{N}\), UMR = L / \(gcd(\) v \()\), with \(gcd\) being the greatest common divisor.

  • Else, if v \(\lor\) l \(\in \mathbb{Q}\) , \(lcm\) resp. \(gcd\) are extended to rational numbers.

  • Else, if v \(\land\) l \(\in \mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}\) , UMR = \(prod(\) l \()\), with \(prod\) being the product operator.

eta denotes the coding efficiency L / UMR. It makes no sense to choose UMR much larger than L, because then a significant part of the coding range is not used.

u denotes the minimum possible uncertainty of the measurement in pixels. It is based on the phase noise model from [1] and propagated through the unwrapping process and the phase fusion. It is influenced by the parameters

  • M: number of averaged intensity samples,

  • N: number of phase shifts,

  • l: wavelengths of the fringes,

  • B: measured amplitude

and the measurement hardware [2], [3]

  • quant: quantization noise of the light source or camera,

  • dark: dark noise of the used camera,

  • shot: photon noise of light itself,

  • gain: system gain of the used camera.

SNR = L / u is the signal-to-noise ratio of the phase shift coding and is a masure of how many points can be distinguished within the screen length [0, L). It remains constant if L and hence l is scaled (the scaling factor cancels out).

DR = UMR / u is the dynamic range of the phase shift coding and is a measure of how many points can be distinguished within the unambiguous measurement range [0, UMR). Again, it remains constant if L and hence l is scaled (the scaling factor cancels out).